You can send messages to your chatbot widget. To do this, you need to perform a POST request to the address: https://api.cavuer.com/messages/generateResponse.

You must add a key to the request Headers: x-cavuer-api-key. As the key value, you must use the API key, which can be created in your personal account in the Profile section (more details in the Getting Started section).

Request parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description
chatId string Yes Unique chat identifier. For subsequent requests using this identifier messages will be sent to the previously created chat
text string Yes Message text
uniqueIdentifier string Yes Chatbot unique identifier. Chatbot widget ID from your personal account
chatType string No Chat definition. Possible values: "user", "group". Defaults to “user” if parameter is not specified
participantId string if chatType: group Group member ID
chatName string No Chat name

Example request body:

                            "chatId": "1234567890",
                            "content": {
                                "text": "Hello. You are use Cavuer AI-bot"
                            "uniqueIdentifier": "CAV36pzjv4qwwlq",
                            "chatType": "user",
                            "chatName": "Widget"

If the request is successfully completed, you will receive a server response of 200.

Possible errors: